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The female cycle

Why do women menstruate, what actually happens in the female body and how does the female cycle work?

Below we would like to provide you with answers to these questions and explain the cycle in more detail.

Every woman has around 500,000 eggs in her ovaries since birth. Once her period begins, up to 15 of them mature each month, but usually only one manages to ovulate. 

The individual sections during the cycle

The female cycle always begins on the first day of menstruation and ends on the last day before the next bleeding.

The duration varies from woman to woman and is usually between 25 and 35days n. On average, 28days n out.

The 28days into three different phases:

· Proliferation phase – Days 1 to 13

· Ovulation phase – day 14

· Luteal phase – Days 15 – 28

Proliferation phase

Menstruation begins on the first day of the cycle, flushing the old uterine lining containing the unfertilized egg out of the body.

The first phase of the female cycle is also called the follicular phase because it is during this time that the egg sacs (follicles) form. In most cases, menstruation ends between the third and seventh day and the follicles mature.

Each of these follicles contains an undeveloped egg cell, which produces the hormone estrogen. The hormone FSH from the ovaries causes the follicles to grow, which in turn increases the estrogen level.

The higher estrogen level causes the lining of the uterus to build up and the body to prepare for the implantation of the egg.

Ovulation phase - ovulation

Usually only one follicle manages to mature, it bursts and releases the egg cell, this is called ovulation.

Ovulation always occurs about 14days before the next menstruation, i.e. approximately in the middle of the cycle.

The egg now travels through the fallopian tube towards the uterus. This time is considered the most fertile time of the month, as the egg can now be fertilized for about 24 hours.

Since a man’s sperm can survive for up to sevendays n are viable in the woman's body, sexual intercourse one week before ovulation can also lead to fertilization.

Luteal phase

After ovulation, the remaining follicle (the shell of the egg cell) regresses and develops the corpus luteum, which in turn produces the hormone progesterone. The corpus luteum hormone ensures strong blood flow in the uterine lining.

The estrogen level now slowly drops again. If the egg is not fertilized, it is excreted together with the built-up uterine lining during menstruation. 

Sources: Netdoctor

Health information

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