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Self-love instead of period shame

Maybe this situation sounds familiar to you: You were at school and had your period. Then you realized that you had forgotten your period products at home. So you had to ask menstruating girls in your class for them, very quietly of course, so that no one else would notice that you had your period. Maybe it has been a few years since you were at school, but the Period shame remains today. Many people find it difficult to to accept period and to see it as what it is: something natural and beautiful. The topic of self-love plays an important role here. In this blog post you will find out what self-love has to do with periods, what self-love exactly is and how you can learn it.

Period shame

Periods are still a taboo subject for many people, and they prefer to sweep them under the carpet rather than talk about them. Some menstruating women see periods as negative and something that is associated with a lot of shame. This period embarrassment is not uncommon - no, it can be found all over the world. That's why there is even a name for it: in English, the phenomenon is called "period shame". 
But not only the feeling of shame accompanies many menstruating women, but also often Overwhelmed and Knowledge gaps regarding the menstrual cycle and the effects of hormones on mood and the body.

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Period shame and its origin

Period shame is not something that just appeared all of a sudden. It began a long time ago and has been a constant theme throughout the centuries.Aristotle already described periods as impure and dirty. He even went so far as to say that periods were a deficit in the physics of the female body. 

In Hinduism, menstruating women were forbidden from participating in religious ceremonies when they were menstruating. Even today, menstruating women in India are often excluded from social activities while they are bleeding. 

The situation was similar in Judaism: menstruating women were not to be touched during their bleeding, as the “unclean” could otherwise be passed on to the other person. 

Something that is so deeply rooted cannot simply be "eliminated". In recent years, a lot has changed Commitment to education opened up, but unfortunately the period taboo still exists. Many people lack the understanding that menstruation is a completely natural bodily function. We think that it is time to understand periods, to talk about them and, above all, to accept them. Perhaps the most important keyword here is " Self-love ”.

What is self-love?

But what exactly is self-love and why is self-love so important? According to the US psychologist Morris Rosenberg, self-love can be defined as follows: "The subjective feeling of one's own worth, the appreciation of one's own personality, the satisfaction with oneself." Anyone who loves themselves has the ability to accept and value themselves and their own personality - and that means both their strengths and weaknesses. This also includes taking their own needs into account and treating themselves with care.  

Why is self-love so important? It makes you feel strong from the inside out, while at the same time Self-confidence and self-consciousness gives. If you love yourself, you don't need recognition from others to feel valuable. With a good portion of self-love, you may find it easier to make decisions and the fear of making mistakes will fade into the background. And when mistakes are made - which, as we all know, is human - they are accepted and accepted. But that's not all: Feeling good in your body is also part of self-love. Nobody's perfect and everyone probably has something to complain about with their own body. The key here is to look past that and to love and accept the parts of your body that you may not like so much.

Period and self-love

So what does a period have to do with self-love? Quite a lot. Menstruating women have their period every month - it's simply a part of life. It's different for every person: the duration and intensity of the bleeding can vary from person to person, as can the physical and emotional changes that come with it. But no matter how exhausting your period can be, one thing should always be kept in mind: Menstruation is an impressive process in your body that symbolizes fertility and thus the body's ability to create new life. It should therefore be seen as something beautiful and completely natural, rather than something to be ashamed of. 

Especially during your period, self-love should be at the top ofdays sordnung.During this time, you should pay more attention to your body and respond to its needs. For example, consciously take time to rest if you do not feel fit during your period. acceptance your period is an important step towards self-love. 

Self-love during your period - with Taynie

Of course, periods can be very stressful. For example, when the bleeding is very heavy and we also experience abdominal pain or our skin condition worsens. This sometimes makes it difficult for us to accept our periods, to love ourselves during this time and to feel good in our bodies. Our period products are designed to help you regain your well-being during your period and to experience a carefree period full of self-love. 

At Taynie you will find period products to suit your taste: Are you team washable tampons , Bind , or Period underwear ? Our products are also available in different absorbency levels, so that you have optimal leakage protection even during heavy periods. All of our products are also vegan, biocide-free and sustainable. So take a look atwww.taynie.de around.

Learning to love yourself

We have already explained to you what self-love is and what your period has to do with it. But we know that what is easy to say is not always easy to do for many people. Many people have not developed the ability to love themselves - or have not developed it sufficiently. As a result, self-doubt and self-discipline are often at the forefront of their minds.days splan. But the good thing is: self-love can be learned with small habits that are incorporated into everyday life. You will now find out what these can be.

Self-love: tips

1. Treat yourself like the people who mean the most to you 

If someone close to you is not feeling well, you may encourage them and remind them of their strengths and what makes them special. You treat the person with understanding and care - and that's how you should treat yourself too! 

2. Consciously take time for yourself 

Doing something good for yourself can sometimes get lost in the stress of everyday life. That's why you should consciously take some time to do things that relax you and that you enjoy. It doesn't always have to be something big - sometimes a short walk in the fresh air or a good book is enough to recharge your batteries.

3. Praise yourself 

Maybe you have somedays procrastinated, but then dedicated yourself to the task and followed through. Maybe you also did something you were afraid of and faced that fear. So at the end of thedays s or week what went well and praise yourself for it!

4. Accept yourself as you are 

Every person is different. So always remember: You should never apologize for yourself and your personality. We often lose ourselves in negative thoughts and see ourselves as the bad guy. We usually don't get out of this "thought carousel" so quickly. In these moments, try to actively observe your thoughts and look at them from the outside.Maybe it will help you to write them down to create some distance from the thoughts. 

5. Remember your strengths

There will always be things that you can do better or worse than others and that's completely okay. You should find out what you're very good at and focus on those strengths in order to develop them further.

Well, are you curious and want to learn more about the topic of self-love? Then take a look here our blog post about it.

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